Unmapping fantasy with A. K. Larkwood

Unmapping fantasy with A. K. Larkwood

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIt’s high fantasy. You know the drill: personalities are defined by race. Elves are pointy-eared snobs who are unbearably pretty, orcs are barely sentient lap dogs, dwarves love gold and mining… And this...
Five questions with Cari Thomas

Five questions with Cari Thomas

We are loving the feminist stories that are reclaiming witchcraft as a positive force! As Cari Thomas discusses in the interview below, witchcraft has long been used to punish and control women. It is time for change! Cari Thomas’ brilliant debut novel...
Five questions with C. S. Malerich

Five questions with C. S. Malerich

What do we want?Equal pay!When do we want it?NOW! We spoke to C. S. Malerich about her novella, The Factory Witches of Lowell, publishing with Tor next month. In summary – go pre-order this now! now! now! It is a popular trope to reclaim witchcraft for the feminist...