Five questions with Jenn Lyons

Five questions with Jenn Lyons

With her debut fantasy The Ruin of Kings just hitting the shelves, we caught up with author Jenn Lyons and asked her a few searching questions about one of our favourite topics – dragons!* *may also contain kraken Dragons! What made you fall in love with...
Five questions with Genevieve Cogman

Five questions with Genevieve Cogman

On the blog this week is author Genevieve Cogman, whose Invisible Library series centres around the eternal struggle between the forces of chaos and order, represented respectively by the Fae and the Dragons. The fifth and latest instalment, The Mortal Word, continues...
Five questions with Rowenna Miller

Five questions with Rowenna Miller

At Breaking the Glass Slipper, we love innovative genre fiction. Rowenna Miller’s debut novel, Torn, uses the traditionally feminine art of sewing as the basis for its magic system. We asked Rowenna how she fit so many different elements into the one novel, the...