Five questions with Anna Stephens

Five questions with Anna Stephens

This week, BTGS is lucky enough to host one of the major fantasy debuts of 2017: Anna Stephens. We asked her about grimdark, what it’s like being a woman in the industry, how she writes female characters and why you should be reading Godblind. Without further...
Five questions with AC Macklin

Five questions with AC Macklin

This week we talk to AC Macklin, author, LARPer, and organiser of the SF&F writing event Right on Paper. 1. You regularly post “Twitterature”, a story told in 140 characters or less. How do you come up with so many fresh but concise ideas? I outsource! Every so...
Five questions with G. V. Anderson

Five questions with G. V. Anderson

I had the immense pleasure of reading alongside G. V. Anderson at a recent Bristolcon Fringe, and following her World Fantasy Award-winning story ‘Das Steingeschöpf’ was pretty tough. She’s here to tell us a little about herself and her work and why you...
Five questions with Jeannette Ng

Five questions with Jeannette Ng

I was lucky enough to be on a panel with the fabulous Jeannette Ng at FantasyCon 2017, where her debut novel Under the Pendulum Sun had its launch. The panel involved a kind of crowd-sourced Dungeons and Dragons that was both insane and incredibly fun. I’m not...
Five questions with Callie Bates

Five questions with Callie Bates

I know, I know, they tell us not to judge a book by its cover, but when I saw the cover (US version) for this book, I was immediately intrigued. What great art! If you aren’t quite as shallow as me, why not trust Robin Hobb’s rave review? I spoke to Callie...
Five questions with Selena Chambers

Five questions with Selena Chambers

I am always in awe of authors who explore the darker sides of humanity in interesting ways. As such, I was very excited to talk to Selena Chambers about her work in weirding people out! What do you love most about speculative fiction? What drew you to writing in the...